Online training is a new and exciting way to get the coaching you need for an effective BODY TRANSFORMATION!

It is available to anyone, from anywhere. It is convenient, flexible and affordable.  Karen will empower you with accountability and support to get the results you have always dreamed of!

     Online Coaching.



8 week Fat loss programme.


Over the past 10 years, Karen has assisted hundreds of ONLINE clients to increase their vitality and confidence, to decrease body fat and health risk factors AND to finally get the body that they have always wanted!.....

If you are low in energy levels, need to drop body fat and develop nice lean muscle, Karen's TOTAL TRANSFORMATION Programmes will assist in getting your life back on track!

Sustainable Coaching enables you to become active, choose nutritious foods and increase your confidence under the guidance of a Professional Coach.

This is private coaching led by Fitness Professional, Certified Womens Health Coach (GGS), Certified Online Trainer (OTA), Certified Nutrition Coach (PN1) and Trained Nurse, Karen.

Many clients love the support received during this programme so much that they continue as long term members in order to reach new goals.

Your  8 week ONLINE TOTAL TRANSFORMATION Programme includes ...

  • Healthy food options, calorie controlled.
  • Personalised workout videos designed for YOU.
  • This is online PERSONAL TRAINING.
  • Sustainable coaching, positive mindset training, accountability, WEEKLY individual coaching calls, tasks and homework.
  • Private coaching all of the way!! This is Personal Training online!
  • Your progress is tracked every step of the Programme.
  • Weekly Spreadsheets, photos and phone call Check Ins/Coaching. Weighing is optional!
  •  You are under the guidance of Karen who has over 35 years of expertise and successful coaching of all types of clients including medical referrals.
  • You can join at any time.

Are you ready to change your life?! ..............

Apply now by completing your details in the green box. Limited bookings.


FEE - 8 week ONLINE TRANSFORMATION Coaching Programme $380.